Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dream Killer

Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.

Fear and self-doubt are two of the biggest dream killers in most of us. Success often comes down to what we're willing to do about it.

Will you take some risks and do something different than what you've always done?

Many of us are so afraid of failing that sadly we'll never take the leap of faith required to do anything worthwhile in this life.

Whether the dream is about starting a business, getting an advancement at work, or simply finishing a major project, something seems to hold us back.

It's tempting to use the excuse that something external has forced us to procrastinate, but most of the time that something is really inner self-sabotage.

That inner voice does its best to derail and destroy our dreams. So we fail before we even start. And that pattern repeats itself, over and over again, like a bad nightmare.

To stop and crush that sequence we have to do one thing: take action without regard to possible failure in the ultimate outcome.

Yes, we should be prudent in researching, reflecting, and consulting beforehand. But if all signs point to moving forward, we shouldn't hesitate. Instead, we need to put one foot in front of the other and take action.

Success comes from taking imperfect action. Why? Because the day everything's perfect enough will never come.

So take imperfect action starting today. Your dreams will thank you.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Some Days Life Feels Like This:

Imagine, if you would, you are a salesman, working at a prestigious car company that sells nothing but the highest quality sports cars.

A gentleman comes in, holding bags of cash, and orders the most expensive Fararri on the lot. After signing all the paper work, and paying up front, he proceeds to hop in the car, put it in neutral, and have his kids push the car out of the lot while making "Vroom Vroom!" sounds.

You'ld love to tell him that they really don't need to push the car around, but every time you open your mouth he just starts gushing.

"This is the most comfortable car I've ever had!" "My kids say they've never pushed something that looks so shiney", "I love the feel of the steering weel, that's got to be genuine leather!"

All you can do is smile and wave as his kids push a $500,000 car down the block.

I think today has had more then my fair share of it.